Just changed all 16 spark plugs, all 8 coil packs, wires and 2. It turn over and wants to start you can hear it trying to catch but it won’t catch unless you put some starter fluid in. Went out at lunch and used the automatic starter button while walking to it and wouldn’t start. Okay so I have a 2004 Dodge Ram Hemi, the truck was running fine all this weekend and was fine this morning.This Item: Motorcraft Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor(EBP)-DPFE8-Ford Diesel Trucks $68.19 Motorcraft FD4617- Ford 6.4 Liter Turbo Diesel Fuel/Water Seperator Filters.This digital gauge display works well with custom tuning products or as a stand-alone monitor for total insight on how your vehicle is performing. The Edge Products 84130 Insight CTS2 delivers unmatched monitoring capability for any OBD II vehicle (1996 or newer).